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Certified that M/S Sarha Investment Consultants, Sarha Marketing Services, Sarha India or any other Sarha group company is related to marketing of the projects as listed in the website after the consent of the owner of the properties. M/s Sarha or any of its employees or associates are not involved in any kind of decision making regarding any of the projects listed in the website. The decision making authority rests with the Owner / Developers / Builders of these properties. Further M/s Sarha has no stake in the planning and execution of any of the projects. The launching of different projects, their completion dates, the quality of construction done, seeking of all the approvals regarding different properties / projects, their pricing or any other matter related with the project listed in the website are the sole responsibility of the Developers / Owners / Builders. M/s Sarha group has nothing to do with the same and will not attract any legal proceedings on account of any actions / deeds / decision / undertakings / contract done by the Developers / Builders / Owners.

Further buyers / investors in any of the projects / properties listed in the website are advised to verify all the credentials of the properties they are buying, all failing which they would themselves be responsible for any short comings. M/s Sarha or its group companies or associates shall no be responsible for any consequences and advice all the investors / Buyers to verify all the papers before making any investments in any of the project listed in the website.


The sole rights of www.sarharealestate.com are with M/s sarha Marketing Services and its group companies. Use of any such term and name which resembles the name of the website or M/s Sarha group companies in any form, shape, size all meaning shall be deemed to be an infringement against the law and M/s Sarha Marketing Services has the right to initiate legal proceedings against such violators.

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